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Feature film debut by director Verònica Font Alfaro

A river of life and imagination to save his mother...

A co-production Spain-Colombia-Germany

With the development support of

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How far can a child's imagination go?

Aproximaciones filmadas a Roberto y los comediantes
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Suffering a risky pregnancy in remote and isolated places can be a journey of no return, both for the mother and the baby.

This film is inspired by midwives who, like Pacha Pasmo (Colombia) or Socorro Chávez-Coquito (Nicaragua), accompany women on a daily basis with great care and sensitivity.

Pacha Pasmo. Extractos de una conversación.
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Art is transformative wherever it goes and this film also intends to pay tribute to all those artists who travel to every corner of the world sharing their magic.

In an area where children have no access to cinema or theater, a company of puppeteers going from village to village, giving smiles, becomes a great event that everyone talks about.

a_conversation_with_angélica_espíndola_from_la_jaguara_títeres (Original)
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